New Xbox 360 and the Mystery of the Broken Video Playback

Report states that video playback in the 'Metro' dash is not up to snuff

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New Xbox 360 and the Mystery of the Broken Video Playback
The new Xbox 360 dashboard update apparently does a very, very poor job of video playback according to a Digital Foundry report.

The 'Metro' update has already caused many hardcore gamers to complain that games themselves have - as we long expected they would be - relegated to just another slice of digital content. The dash also does an extremely 'good' job of putting adverts front and centre.

Now, however, DF has run some tests and describes their outcomes as:

"Looking at the make-up of our screenshots via Photoshop's "Levels" histograms, we do see something curious though. Our NFS: The Run shot looks to be forced down to limited range RGB based on the histograms we see on the top row, but previous tests conducted on our Skyrim timelapse, encoded in the different h.264 format, show the entire spectrum skewing downwards into the 0-16 RGB area that limited range shouldn't touch."

Basically, some very washed-out imagery indeed. See the full report here.


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