Electronic Arts Thinks We All Have Short Memories

Real War stories for videogames, why not? Here's why.

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Electronic Arts Thinks We All Have Short Memories
Either Electronic Arts is going to stand up for itself the next time it brings out a war-based title or it thinks that we've got really, really short memories. Frank Gibeau who is "President, EA Labels" has said that he can't see why real war stories can't be told in games.

He explains to Kotaku that, "In terms of narrative structure, I think you can do that now if you felt like that's the story you wanted to creatively pursue. I think it's possible to do in a lot of different categories, too, like sports or a modern crime story."

He continues, "As a studio exec, I wouldn't have any opposition to somebody saying, ‘No, I want to tell the real story as it unfolded.' I'd be totally open to hearing that pitch; it would certainly be a twist on what's out there in the marketplace."

One of the reasons its different is a decision such as that taken by... EA to remove the Taliban from 'real and authentic' war story Medal of Honor this year. A decision apparently taken at the behest of the 'older generation'.

Gibeau also states that he can't see why a gay character shouldn't pay a prominent part in a war-game, "We've explored that concept in games like Mass Effect from BioWare. I don't see any reason why you couldn't pursue that storyline or that kind of character in a more realistic title if it made sense for the game that you're building. Sure."

Let's hope the company shows more backbone then.

Source: Kotaku


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