Sony gets Gamers to rebuy their PSP games for the new Vita.In a move to get Japanese gamers to relinquish their PSPs, Sony has found an inventive way around the issue of making the Vita backwards-compatible with the UMD format. Gamers have to download a UMD Registration App from the Playstation Network, register the UMD disc in the drive and then download a digital version of the game.
All sounds well and good, but Gamers have noticed two issues concerning the UMD registration. Firstly, once your UMDs have been registered, they will have to purchase their old PSP titles for the equivalent of £4-£12, effectively paying Sony again for the same product. Secondly there are only around 200 titles currently supported by this system, focussing primarily on Sony's own software such as
Gran Turismo 3.
Companies such as SEGA, Square Enix, Konami and Falcom haven't yet released any titles, however Sony ensures Gamers that these companies are on board with the program. So the key question, even if a Gamers' UMDs are supported will they be willing to buy their games all over again, even at a discounted price? Only time will tell.