Activision's New Men in Black Game Revealed

The Galactic Gumshoes Arrive Spring 2012

Posted by Staff
This is NOT the new game... okay?
This is NOT the new game... okay?
Columbia Pictures and Activision are teaming up for a game of a soon to happen sequel to a movie franchise beloved of many. Timed to coincide with the release of the Men In Black III movie in Spring 2012 is..." all-new Men In Black videogame".

The blurb tells us, "True to the spirit of the franchise, the original title will feature action-packed, yet light-hearted gameplay mixed with edge-of-your-seat shooting excitement from the universe's most elite peacekeeping force."

We're also told that, "The films' unique blend of action, humor, and eye-popping special effects will fuel the Men In Black's gameplay experience. Utilizing the rich mythology of the Men In Black universe, the game's original story will build on the history of the series to bring back familiar faces, while also introducing new foes. More details on gameplay features and characters will be revealed soon!"

Can you wait? Tell us.


DrkStr 14 Oct 2011 12:49
Cookie-cutter third-person action-adventure title, I bet.
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