Following revelations earlier in the week that the Steam release of Dead Island wasn't exactly the finished version, yet more crap has hit the fan as gamers dig a little deeper to see what they can discover in amongst the code.Purna, one of the game's four playable characters, has a little in-game ability that gives her a boost when it comes to attacking male targets. Officially referred to as the 'Gender Wars' skill, some poking around the game by
AlekseiVasiliev has revealed that it originally had a less salubrious name: "Feminist Whore".
We're going to dig into the code ourselves to make sure that his is not merely some Internet stunt.
Obviously, if true, this wasn't supposed to see the light of day, but if you screw up enough to put out a dev build instead of your finished product you should expect that stuff like this will be made public. With the team at Deep Silver already getting flak for their earlier mistake, this can only compound the issues surrounding the game's less than stellar release.
If any lessons are going to be learned from this, surely it's to not be an idiot and – if you happen to be one -
always cover your backside. Developers, heed our words. We're only trying to look after you as you try and drag the games industry back into the dark ages.