Following the purchase by Sony of the company he co-founded, Sucker Punch's Chris Zimmerman has been answering some questions. One of them, about how the day-to-day functioning of the inFamous dev will be affected is answered thus:"I don't think it will have much of an effect on our day-to-day operations. Everyone that's been here for the past dozen years is still here; we still have the same goals in mind.
"We're still working on the same things. So the day-to-day isn't going to change, I think. We're expecting this is going to put us in a position where we can continue to work on innovative genre-defining content. That's kind of why we're doing this. And we've been in that position before, and we think we're going to continue to be in that position."
Another is plain silly but worth seeing.
GameSpot asks, "Is it going to be geographically awkward for Sucker Punch, given that you're a Sony-owned studio residing in Microsoft country in Bellevue, Washington?"
We'd imagine trying to keep a straight face and not mentioning that all of Washington State isn't actually owned by Microsoft, Chris responds, "I don't think so. It's really kind of interesting because I and the other founders of Sucker Punch are ex-Microsoft guys. I worked at Microsoft for almost a decade, and when we started at Sucker Punch, it was really before Microsoft got into the console business. This was pre-Xbox; this was 1997."