Yuji Naka's Prope Studio Launches Unreal Engine App

Epic Citadel, with a Japanese flavour.

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Yuji Naka's Prope Studio Launches Unreal Engine App
Former Sonic Team head Yuji Naka has been busy. His independent studio, Prope, has just released an iOS app that takes advantage of the Unreal Engine 3 called Prope Discoverer.

It's looking very pretty, but won't exactly set your world alight if you've already seen Epic's free tech demo Epic Citadel. This first-person adventure works in pretty much the same way, with the added bonus of collecting cards to further explore virtual spaces.

Prope Discoverer is £1.79 on the iOS App Store. Let us know what you think in the comments box below, if you fancy taking the plunge.


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