UK GameFest Tickets On Sale

The GAME Group's consumer show is go

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UK GameFest Tickets On Sale
Back in June, the GAME Group announced a video game consumer show that wasn't going to be held in London. Now tickets for GameFest are live.

The show will run from the 16-18 September 2011 at the Birmingham NEC. Tickets cost £10 for anyone aged 12 or over and £5 for anyone under 12 years old, which is good.

However, "To buy tickets, would-be attendees need to own a GAME reward card. If they do not currently own one, they can go to or to any GAME store to sign up and then go to the website to buy the tickets."

Sony, THQ, Bethesda and SEGA, Microsoft, Nintendo, EA, Activision and Disney will all be there in some capacity or other.

Tickets available from here.


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