EFF: "Microsoft Misusing The Law" in Xbox 360 Memory Card Case

Misuse of Digital Millennium Copyright Act claimed

Posted by Staff
EFF: "Microsoft Misusing The Law" in Xbox 360 Memory Card Case
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has come out strongly against Microsoft's tactics in a legal battle with Datel over the UK company's production and sale of memory cards for the Xbox 360.

Not currying words, EFF Intellectual Property Director Corynne McSherry, states that:

"Letting Xbox owners use a third-party memory card does not put Microsoft at risk of copyright infringement.

"Microsoft is misusing the law in order to sell more accessories and control customers' use of the Xbox. The DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) is supposed to be a shield against piracy, not a weapon to smash competition and consumer choice."

The EFF gives context as follows, "Datel Holdings is a British company that sells memory cards that compete with Microsoft's own memory card product for the Xbox, and Microsoft and Datel are in the middle of court battle over the legality of the product.

"As part of the case, Microsoft claims that Xbox users violate U.S. federal law -- the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) -- if they use third-party cards. In an amicus brief filed Wednesday, EFF explains that the DMCA was aimed at preventing access to copyrighted material by non-paying customers, not at blocking competitors or policing users' behavior in regards to their own property."

Details of the EFF's statement are here.


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