Sony UK Says Microsoft Kinect Lacks 'Legs'

And PlayStation Vita will fulfil business speak

Posted by Staff
Sony UK Says Microsoft Kinect Lacks 'Legs'
Head of Sony Computer Entertainment in Europe, Andrew House, has taken the American route to dealing with the opposition: slagging it off. This time it's Move vs Kinect.

Mr House explains to MCV that, " (PlayStation) Move has found an easier success in Europe because of the heritage SCEE has built through SingStar and EyeToy. And it has got legs – it’s got lots of other opportunities. Whereas, controller-less gaming (like Kinect) has limits, as we saw with EyeToy.”

Ouch. However, Mr H' also has some positive things to say about PlayStation Vita. Currently priced at £229, that price will, "build rapid momentum to the device."

Yes, 'to the device'.

Source: MCV


alexh2o 17 Jun 2011 12:09
A price that would 'build even more rapid momentum to the device' would be sub £200 - closer to the 3DS and more in line with American prices.

But no, here's to the UK getting screwed and Sony's console flagging because it's too expensive!

Here's a tip Sony... when you can buy a PS3 for less than your trying to charge for a PSP, you might just have got your pricing wrong! Would love a PSV but just cant justify that price.
Cfan 17 Jun 2011 12:56
I dunno, Sony seem to enjoy sticking a stick up their arse then complaining about it.
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