THQ's Farell - No Purple Dildos for Sale

CEO laughs up Saints Row sex toy saga

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THQ's Farell - No Purple Dildos for Sale
Saints Row: The Third is getting some pleasant buzz around the place, which must come as a boost to THQ. However, CEO Brain Farrell wants to make one thing very clear: the purple dildo used a weapon in the game is not for sale.

Mr Farell explains that, "I was just surprised when it was on Game Trailers TV on Spike TV the other day. They actually showed that on the trailer. It seems to resonate with players but there is no truth in the rumor that it is going to be a gift that you can purchase."

He also deals - or doesn't - with the GTA comparison that often crop up:

"Yeah, people who are in the business really know now that they share the same trunk but GTA has gone off this way and it’s a great game experience. But Saints Row is really over the top, just crazy, silly fun. You can go anyway, do anything, and play in this sand box. That resonates with players."

Read our E3 preview of Saints Row: The Third here.

Full interview here - including a lengthy and cringeworthy chunk of Dean Takahashi self-aggrandisement, you have been warned.


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