At Last a Proper Games Chart for AppStore

Well, let's hope so

Posted by Staff
At Last a Proper Games Chart for AppStore
When cutting through the standard flow of pointless and often misleading PR guff that accompanies game sales stats it's useful to have a third-party or 'honest broker' providing info.

So, let's hope that a new partnership formed by gaming market researcher Newzoo and app store analyst Distimo live up to its promise.

According to the new, the duo will provide, "unique monthly data on game sales and downloads across all Apple App Stores, covering the US and six European nations.

The surveys collects data for the UK, Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands and Belgium, and combines Newzoo’s survey-based worldwide gamer demographics with Distimo’s in-depth app store data. Data is issued monthly via Newzoo’s online Data Explorer interface and includes daily and monthly download volumes for the top 300 free and paid apps, with numbers and dollar value."

Sounds excellent. And they've even come up with some stats to begin with:

"Initial results indicate that games are the largest single app category on Apple App Stores, accounting for half of downloads of both free and paid apps: more than five million games a day were downloaded in the seven countries during March this year, by 63 million iOS gamers. In the US, UK, France and Germany 6-7% of the online population has an iPhone, while in Spain, The Netherlands and Belgium the figure is 3-4%. Between 50 and 75% of iPhone owners play iOS games."

Source: MRWeb


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