Microsoft Unbans All Xbox 360s - Then Recovers

Network fun in rumour form

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Microsoft Unbans All Xbox 360s - Then Recovers
According to TheTechGuys site, Microsoft accidentally unbanned all previously banned Xbox 360 from Xbox Live yesterday.

The piece reads:

"Earlier this morning, on April 26th, Microsoft unbanned every single console that has ever been banned from Xbox Live. It is un certain if Microsoft has a backup of all the banned consoles but as for now, there are no signs of the consoles being rebanned. With the unbanning of all the KV's this means all your Jtags will be unbanned as well, however booting them will still result in a near instant ban!"

However, the unbanning was not to last for long... later a user called 'Wiseone' posted the following: "Sorry to say everyone but this is over, they found my xbox and now im banned it sucks :("

Source: TGG


Cfan 27 Apr 2011 09:22
Haha, what a dick. try not f**king around with the console if you don't want to be banned? what makes it even funnier is his username...
deleted 27 Apr 2011 09:51
My daughters old elite is banned, only because I bought it that way as she not an onliner and it was cheap, i wonder if its working again now, hmmmm..
Cfan 27 Apr 2011 10:10
@haritori, now that sucks. Can you not take it back and get refund/swap? I would of been hopping mad...

Going to take a wild guess and presume it's from Game?

' Sell your unwanted/banned/stolen consoles here and get a full £5.00 off the latest console! '
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