HMV: Without Pre-Owned there Would be Fewer New Titles

Pre-Owned funds new games

Posted by Staff
HMV: Without Pre-Owned there Would be Fewer New Titles
With the launch of an iPhone and Android app that enables HMV customers find out how much store credit the company will give them for a game - by scanning its barcode - HMV's 'RePlay' manager Martin Baxter has stated that, "The majority of our trade-in transactions are attached to the sale of a new product. Without pre-owned you have to wonder: how many new games would we actually sell?”

Speaking to MCV, Mr Baxter also pointed out that the logical next step for HMV, "is to sell pre-owned games on the website.”

He also hits out at competitors, “I think there is a stigma attached to people revealing trade-in prices. Customers want to know what they’ll get for their games. There is still a bit of nervousness attached with trading-in games. People don’t want to get embarrassed in finding out a game is worth 50p."

Looks like HMV is going to war.


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