Valve has come up with the goods regarding details (including an FAQ) on the Steam 'Experience' for PS3, which is due to appear with the launch of Portal 2 next week.According to Valve, "The Steam overlay for PS3 provides access to both PSN and Steam friends, displaying their in-game or online status and providing a quick pathway to text chats, player profiles, friend requests, and game invites. Steam Achievements are earned in lockstep with PSN Trophies and are also accessible within the Steam overlay."
All good but what follows is better, In the spirit of Steam Play, linked players of the PS3 version of
Portal 2 can also access and play their copy of
Portal 2 on any PC or Mac by redeeming an in-box access code on their computer. The Steam client verifies the linked customer and then lists Portal 2 among their library of Steam games for PC and Mac."
The FAQ is right here.