Tiga: Budget is "Decisive Victory" and "Dismal" for UK Game Developers

Swings and roundabouts

Posted by Staff
Tiga: Budget is "Decisive Victory" and "Dismal" for UK Game Developers
Tiga - the representative body for UK videogames developers - appears happy or shocked about yesterday's budget. Chief executive officer Dr Richard Wilson has called the 200% research and development tax credits increase, "a decisive victory for Tiga".

In fact, he's said that, "This is a decisive victory by TIGA which will benefit not just the UK games industry but also the wider UK economy.

"TIGA’s proposals for the R&D tax credits will deliver 60%-75% more value to games studios than the current R&D tax credit regime. This could be worth around £7 million to the UK video games industry.

"This will enable studios to invest more in R&D, generate and retain new IP, and hire more development staff. Reforming the R&D tax credits along the lines proposed by TIGA will help power our high technology industry forwards."

However, he also pointed out that, "The Government’s failure to deliver TIGA’s Games Tax Relief is a dismal decision that displays a complete lack of imagination and one which will leave the UK video games industry swimming against the tide internationally."

Swings, roundabouts...


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