Dr. Carole Lieberman, MD, MPH - the psychologist who blamed a rise in rape on games such as Bulletstorm ('Worst Videogame in the World') has claimed that Fox News and EA were somehow using her comments in a conspiracy to sell the same game.Speaking in an excellent interview over at
Popzara the Dr Lieberman - who once called for parents to boycott Pokémon due to its core message of violence - has this to say:
"Looking back, I do think the Fox article had an agenda – that of creating the most sensational controversy over
Bulletstorm in time for its release. For my part, I have been saying the same things about violent media for years, so I did not anticipate such a ‘violent’ reaction to my comments, which were not really news. I think that this was due to taking my comments out of context to make them more sensational and provocative towards the gaming community, as well as a change in gamers becoming more aggressive over the years, and more sensitive to people criticizing their behavior. Plus, the Internet has provided a forum for people to express their rage anonymously, notably by Amazon-bombing my books."
Fox wanted to create a media frenzy to
help Bullestorm sales?
It seems that this is the claim given what she says next:
"In order to make a splash with a new product in an already saturated marketplace, video game manufacturers need to do something to get gamers to pick up their heads and buy yet another game. It seems more than coincidental that the Fox News story came out just as Bulletstorm was about to be released. And the well-organized viral reaction to my comments makes it seem like everyone read the memo that EA may well have put out, literally."
We recommend you read the full interview.