Psychologist: Bulletstorm Will Increase Rape Attacks

Are you serious?

Posted by Staff
Psychologist: Bulletstorm Will Increase Rape Attacks
Here we go again. Fox News has once more proved that it has lost its marbles, by entertaining the idea that EA's Bulletstorm can be linked to an increase in rape attacks.

The network, to support a scathing anti-video games piece, manages to obtain comment from Dr. Carole Lieberman, MD, MPH. She makes the extraordinary claim that, "The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in video games."

Uh. Huh.

"If a younger kid experiences Bulletstorm's explicit language and violence, the damage could be significant. Violent video games like Bulletstorm have the potential to send the message that violence and insults with sexual innuendos are the way to handle disputes and problems."

Or, your kid could not play the game at all and adults can enjoy the content in much the same way an adult can enjoy the latest blockbuster action flick. Of course, nobody's thought of that possibility. That would just be preposterous.

Luckily someone's around to try and dispel all this nonsense. Entertainment Consumers Association president Hal Halpin defends the right for adults to enjoy content designed for adults - "Between a great ratings system, parental controls on the consoles and the major retailers inhibiting the sale of Mature-rated games to minors, the matter is really one for parents and adults to consider.

"I respect the creative rights of game developers to make a game like Bulletstorm in the same way that I appreciate Quentin Tarantino's right to make over-the-top movies like Kill Bill."

Seems that dinosaur doctors like Weichman still have the idea that video games are but a mere toy for kids, rather than an entertainment medium that everyone can enjoy. A shame.

Maybe we can expect an apology from Fox... just like this one.

Source: Fox News


Daz 9 Feb 2011 10:58
good old Fox News, always good for a chuckle, the Daily Mail has their work cut out for them, if they want to catch up on "I have no idea what I'm talking about" show.
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