Pirates to Cause "Console Only" Crysis 3

Crysis 3 already being spoken about

Posted by Staff
Pirates to Cause "Console Only" Crysis 3
It's rare to see a developer talking about a game that is some years from release, so it's interesting to see Gamers Voice chairman Paul Gibson claiming that the next-next iteration of Crysis could go console-only because of piracy.

It's even stranger to think that consoles are piracy free given the recent leak of Killzone 3 to torrents.

Nevertheless, Mr Gibson states, "The industry only makes money from game sales; losing these sales to piracy ultimately means no more games for us. We can already see this in the PC market and it would not be surprising to see Crysis 3 released for consoles only after this latest leak."

Latest Crysis 2 trailer is right here. Game's out on March 25th.

Source: EG


irritant 15 Feb 2011 16:30
Didn't they say that about Crysis 2 back in the day?
kalps_171 16 Feb 2011 20:38
I can't believe this happens.

It's their own staff that leak out the final builds... Shocking I say...
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