Signs warning parents of the dangers of children playing 3D games were present at Nintendo's 3DS event in Japan, but company president Satoru Iwata insists that the portable is not dangerous.The notices Nintendo World come after an
announcement last month that exposure to 3D images for a long period of time "could have an adverse effect on the eyesight development of young children."
Attendees to the event were asked to have their children play the demos in 2D only, and the rule was enforced with the distribution of stickers featuring Mario Bros. character Toad. According to the
Wall Street Journal, Iwata said that the warnings were meant to simply give its customers adequate information of any potential risks.
The exec added that the notices were not meant to say that the 3DS was a dangerous system to use - and
Andriasang notes that some specialists have found no evidence that 3D titles could give children adverse effects. He said that Nintendo actively attempts to share information with its customers, and that providing the right cautions will protect the company against lawsuits.
The 3DS packaging will also contain various warnings to ensure that parents get the message. Nintendo games already come with an additional consumer safety booklet - looks like another is about to get added.