Uncharted Movie to Feature Extended Drake Family

Progress moving apace.

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Uncharted Movie to Feature Extended Drake Family
Relatively fresh-faced filmmaker David O. Russell has revealed some details on what to expect from the upcoming Uncharted: Drake's Fortune movie adaptation. Progress is also chugging along like a choo-choo as well, apparently.

"It's a locomotive," Russell told the L.A. Times, adding that the script is already about halfway done. The auteur also said that he's flirting with the idea of expanding the Drake lineage in the film by including Nate's extended family. An ass-kicking, treasure-hunting, internationally influential Drake family. Hm.

"This idea really turns me on that there's a family that's a force to be reckoned with in the world of international art and antiquities ... [a family] that deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice," said Russell.

It was recently announced that Mark Wahlberg would be cast to play Nathan Drake in the flick - a move that has seen quite a few heads scratched on the interwebs. We're sure he'll be fine, right? Let's hope for a tasteful game-to-movie transition this time around, either way.


a 2 Dec 2010 12:52
Why cant Hollywood get it into their heads that if you change the story to suit a larger target audience then the film will be s**t. They always do this, it will be action over story. Silent Hill is the only good game to film adaptation out there and thats because they kept very true to the formula.
WTF 3 Dec 2010 13:15
That's the most retarded idea I ever heard this year! WHAT IS THIS SH*T!!!
WTH?! 9 Dec 2010 17:24
What a terrible choice of an actor for this movie. Not even made and already being butchered.
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