Activision: Next Call of Duty not an MMO

Could be set in space though.

Posted by Staff
Activision: Next Call of Duty not an MMO
Activision publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg has made it plain that the next iteration of Call of Duty will remain firmly in its current money-making perspective.

"This (next) Call of Duty title will be first-person shooter, just to make sure there's no misunderstanding there" Hirshberg pointed out.

Gamasutra followed this up by stating, "That (game-making) unit hasn't talked specifically about what it's doing with the franchise. But industry sources say Sledgehammer's Call of Duty will be set in the future and feature, for lack of a better term, space Marines, a very big step for a franchise that has historically based itself on realism."

That'll be because we're all out of Earth Historic wars then? Or maybe because Halo hasn't been done well enough yet?

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