Bioshock Creator Bites Back at Hollywood

See two mediums as completely different languages

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Bioshock Creator Bites Back at Hollywood
Lead creator of the Bioshock franchise, Ken Levine, has given his opinions on the game and film industries working together. He's not a fan.

Levine explains that he endeavours to stay away from adding cut-scenes to the games he and his team work on as to him going down that road is dangerous and would take the focus away from the gameplay.

He explains of the creative process, “Making content is easy. But leaving enough out, looking at everything as an interactive piece, that’s the real ambition.”

He is also quoted in MCV stating, "I was offered the chance to make a game with a film director. A very talented film director. My feeling is, why? Why would any game designer want to do that?

Levine turned down the offer, himself having being rejected by Hollywood in the late '80s after attempts to make it as a writer. Oh, how ironic the world can be.

Finally, the probably not at all bitter Bioshock man rounds on a cultish movie director.

“And of course film directors can jump through the game industry’s open doors. Guillermo del Toro – who by the way is an amazing film director – recently signed a deal with THQ to make videogames. And I’m thinking… he’s never made a videogame."

So, do games need Hollywood 'talent'? Comment below.



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