Cameron and Clegg: iPod vs Nintendo Games

UK Prime Minister Loves Angry Birds

Posted by Staff
Sod the Big Society, where's my boomerang bird? Clegg!!!?
Sod the Big Society, where's my boomerang bird? Clegg!!!?
Apparently according to UK games legend and UKIE member, Andy Payne, the UK Prime Minister David Cameron is a big fan of iPhone game Angry Birds. His deputy, Nick Clegg, however, is a Nintendo man.

A tweet from read

"The Prime Minister is a huge Angry Birds fan and has paid for the full game. Times are a changin'."

The leader of the Liberal Democrats party and Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, was recently caught enjoying a little bit of time with the Nintendo Wii at a party conference in Liverpool. Stop playing around, you ministers have got a country to run!

Source: PercyBlakeney63's Twitter


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