Dead Space 2 Mutliplayer Vid Shows Engineers vs Necromorphs

Makes for a bloody workout in 4-player madness

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Dead Space 2 Mutliplayer Vid Shows Engineers vs Necromorphs
Visceral games has released a video of the multiplayer to be included in upcoming horror title Dead Space 2.

In it we can see new area The Sprawl, a large space station where part of the game is due to take place as well as the what appears to be four players teaming up together against the necromorph threat. Furthermore the trailer shows the ability to play as some of the necromorphs which, no doubt, will make for a thrilling experience as you sneak up on an unwitting opponent to gouge out their guts.

Let us play as one the child necromorphs with the claw hands and we'll have a riotous time indeed. The game is due out on January 28th in the UK.

Source:Game Trailers


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