Sony has joined the pre-show bandwagon in announcing its line-up of titles to be shown at this year's Tokyo Games Show.Although
The Last Guardian is upsettingly absent from this year's list of titles, there are plenty of treats that will be on offer at Sony's booth this year.
The main focus will be around PlayStation Move and promoting Sony's implementation of 3D for the PS3.
The games that will be shown at the Sony booth are as listed below:
PlayStation 3-
Trinity Zill 0'll Zero-
World Soccer Winning Eleven-
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow-
Front Mission Evolved-
Gran Turismo 5-
LittleBigPlanet 2-
MotorStorm: Apocalypse-
Tokyo Jungle-
SOCOM 4: US Navy Seals-
Killzone 3-
Sly Cooper Collection-
Red Dead Redemption-
Tales of Graces F-
Ni No KuniPSP-
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd-
World Soccer Winning Eleven-
Lords of Arcana-
Tactics Ogre-
The 3rd Birthday-
Yakuza: Black Panther-
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity-
God of War: Ghosts of Sparta-
Patapon 3-
God Eater Burst-
Tales of the World Radiant Mythology 3-
Danbol SenkiSony TGS website via