Sucker Punch Tepid on inFamous 2 Move Support

Co-owner of the company plays down expectation

Posted by Staff
Sucker Punch Tepid on inFamous 2 Move Support
Sucker Punch co-owner, Bruce Oberg has been demoing inFamous 2 at Gamescom in Germany, and he's been speaking about PlayStation Move integration for the PS3 exclusive title.

Basically, and despite being closely tied to Sony, Bruce is not exactly gung-ho in his support for the controller. Rather than enthusiastically extolling the device, he stated:

"We're still working on that. We're still thinking about it".

Confused, we are. That's why our man at Gamescom is chasing up whether there is actually inFamous 2 Move work being done, or simply... thinking about it.

Don't forget to watch the trailer here.


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