Crysis 2 Producer Refuses to Trash Talk

Yes, some positive news for once.

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Crysis 2 Producer Refuses to Trash Talk
Crysis 2 has been delayed but that hasn't stopped us interviewing the game's executive producer, Nathan Camarillo. During the interview, we asked him to comment on writer Richard Morgan's less than laudatory statements relating to other games. What followed was rather good.

"Is it all about having the best story? Yeah, that would be awesome. Is it about having the best weapons? Absolutely. Is it about having the best tech and visuals? Certainly. It's also about having the best aliens and AI. We strive for all of these things, and hopefully we hit all of those targets. Maybe it is all about those elements. Maybe it's not, and that still might make our product the greatest.

"I'm not the kind of guy that's going to talk trash about other games – I'm a huge fan of games in general, and I love playing and making games. A lot of my friends work on some of our biggest competitors and we've worked together at previous companies, so badmouthing their games is badmouthing them and I don't do that."

There, some positive gaming industry insight. Read the full interview here.


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