Chinese Government Goes Beyond Activision Blizzard in Real Gamer Name Law

Government outlines new rule in Regulations paper.

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Chinese Government Goes Beyond Activision Blizzard in Real Gamer Name Law
While Blizzard narrowly avoids a public revolt over its implementation of using real names as IDs on its forums and games, the Chinese government is following through with the concept by implementing it into law, whether anybody cares or not.

The country's Ministry of Culture has instructed game operators that all users must register using their real names within six months. It's one of the new rules outlined in the Tentative Regulations of Online Games, which reportedly came into force yesterday.

Illegal gaming operations are said to be highlighted with the enactment of these regulations. According to ChinaGame, most studios have agreed to change the registration details - which must now include real name, ID number and contact information - within their games. Some users have expressed privacy concerns, however - primarily that a lack of ID number verification would lead to potential instances of fraud.

A more transparent gaming experience, or not? Voice your thoughts in the comments below.


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