If an advert for a "experienced visual storyteller" apparently coming from inFamous 2 developer Sucker Punch is to be believed, the game with the recently 'down-dated' hero is in for some plot rethinking too.The ad, for a fulltime Writer/Storyteller, appeared on the
Gameleon network today.
It states that the company, is "looking for an experienced visual storyteller--an individual so passionate about games and would play them in their sleep if it were possible."
The details are, that "Our next big game,
inFAMOUS 2, has lots of moving parts: characters, missions, intertwined with narrative, cinematics, progression of game mechanics, and systemic content. We need someone who has both the experience and the horsepower to be responsible for all aspects of the storytelling for the game, from motion capture to animation."
The successful applicant needs "to understand the progression of narrative and be able to develop the characters that are involved. Our ideal candidate will have a deep knowledge of in-game missions and be able to manage the relationships of the game design team."
"A big part of this job is being able to write spoken dramatic dialogue. You will be responsible for all spoken dialogue from in game dialogue to cut scenes to game play to cell phone conversations. We need an individual who is well organized and is able to meet super tight deadlines--oh, and you need to be comfortable with the fact that you'll only partially be in control-- because the game design, technical and schedule realities are ever present as well."
So, inFamous 2 dialogue is still to be created.