Director Upset over Heavy Rain Move Scheduling

Understands Sony's position through gritted teeth

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Director Upset over Heavy Rain Move Scheduling
Quantic Dreams' David Cage found himself in a bind. His ambition was to provide back-stories to the characters in Heavy Rain via DLC. In fact, that had been the promise. The reality, however, is that Sony holds the purse strings.

Sony wanted Quanic Dream to work on Heavy Rain Move Edition. Scheduling meant that if this was to be the case, and the developer was going to get a shot at its post-Heavy Rain project, well, Sony won.

"I understand Sony's decision and it gave us the opportunity to explore new possibilities regarding controls," he explained. "I am really proud of this Move edition and think it will surprise many gamers and show that Move can be used for things other than family entertainment. Now as a writer and director, would I have preferred to work on the three Chronicles I wrote? Guess."

Reality does indeed bite.

Via EG


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