Ruffian: Crackdown 2 DLC Brand New Way to Play

One of the best offerings on Xbox Live

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Ruffian: Crackdown 2 DLC Brand New Way to Play
Much against our normal mode of heavy cynicism, we're allowing a game that's not yet out to excite us to wet levels (not Wet the game, that was rubbish). Crackdown 2 is something we're excited about. Let's hope we're not let down. According to producer, James Cope, we won't be.

Speaking to CVG, Cope has explained that not only will the game be good (no surprises there) but that the DLC will basically change your entire life forever.

Here's what he actually said:

"I can't really talk about the specific feature set of the DLC yet but what I do believe quite strongly is that Crackdown still has one of the best DLC offerings on Xbox Live."

Hold on, we want to know about Crackdown 2.

Cope says, "We can take the building blocks of Crackdown 2 and make completely different types of game with those blocks.

"We look at it as a sort of Lego set of gameplay and changing the way the game plays completely with DLC is what we love to do."



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