Rumour: Microsoft In Xbox 360 TV Channel Talks

Reruns and original content ahoy.

Posted by Staff
Rumour: Microsoft In Xbox 360 TV Channel Talks
The Xbox 360 already has TV in the form of the optional Sky Player, but if comments from those close to Microsoft and ex-News Corp President Peter Chernin are to be believed, the console could be set for its very own TV station.

According to anonymous sources, Chernin is in talks with Microsoft to establish an exclusive channel for Xbox Live subscribers that will offer both reruns of popular TV shows and original content. The proposal includes raising the subscription fee for Xbox Live Gold by $1 or $2 to help pay for the programming, said to be aimed at a young male demographic.

Chernin's publicist, Allan Meyer said "Peter is talking to lots of people about lots of ideas in the digital space," but wouldn't speak of the 12th April meeting with Microsoft. The console manufacturer declined to comment officially, but the sources say that the company has yet to respond to the proposal.

Would you like to see an Xbox Channel appear on your dashboard, for a slight increase in your subscription fee? Let us know in the comments box below.

Source: Bloomberg


deleted 21 Apr 2010 12:12
Why not pay for it with advertising, and broadcast it through SKY using the HD service and then allow Sky to put it on Sky player? if they only want Gold members watching it then encrypt the channel on sky so only registered gold members can view it, it would be a perfect place for PR hype and bollox to promote and lie about how great the 360 is!
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