Games Tax Relief Would Save Thousands of Jobs

And return investment to nation says Tiga

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Games Tax Relief Would Save Thousands of Jobs
With the UK General Election now dated for May 6th, and the incumbent government withdrawing bills left, right and centre (landline tax to fund broadband infrastructure... gone), UK game developers' body Tiga has taken its chance to press hard on tax relief for game makers.

In a lengthy release, Tiga chairman (and Rebellion founder and CEO) Jason Kingsley outlines the group's vision for the value of a system of tax relief, as promised by New Labour and supported by the Conservative party.

The key benefits, according to Mr Kingsley are that, "Games Tax Relief is expected over a five year period to: create or save 3,550 graduate level jobs (or the vocational equivalent); increase or safeguard £457 million in development expenditure; and secure £415 million in new and saved tax receipts over five years. This measure will drive sustained growth in the UK studio sector and halt the current decline in investment in and jobs. The outlay for the Government is anticipated to be £192 million over the same period."

Full release on Develop.


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