UPDATE: Modern Warfare 2 Maps Not Working - Microsoft Engineers on Duty

Bit of cock-up on the release front

Posted by Staff
UPDATE: Modern Warfare 2 Maps Not Working - Microsoft Engineers on Duty
UPDATE: --- As of 3:45pm on March 30th, Microsoft's Daniel Maher (aka Mr Pointyhead) has put a four hour ETA on working DLC as follows:

"Stimulus Package update: The Title Update is currently being prepped, but could take four hours to appear everywhere once it's ready."


As well as commenting on the release of the Stimulus Pack for Modern Warfare 2, Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling recently pointed out the a Title Update would be required in order to use the DLC that released today. As yet, no Title Update is forthcoming, leading to unusable Stimulus.

Yesterday, Bowling commented on his blog that:

"Along side the DLC, but something ALL of our users will get, is a title update for Modern Warfare 2. Included in this update is support for the DLC (if you choose to purchase it), as well as some tweaks to the One Man Army perk, some matchmaking updates that will help our international users find more locally hosted games thanks to how ping is now sorted, and various other code updates that will help improve the overall quality of multiplayer on Modern Warfare 2."

There is no exact time you can expect all this, I’d say early morning when traffic is at its lowest, but by the time you wake up and get online I’m sure it will be available to most of you on March 30th! See you online all this week!"

Well, Major Nelson has been forced to tell the world today that:

"The engineers are already engaged and working on the MW2 Stimulus Pack problem. They'll get is corrected"

In fact, as per Robert Bowling's post, the Major then states, "The Stimulus Package needs a Title Update and it didn't go out properly. We're pushing it out now - it won't be long. #MW2 (via @thevowel)."

More when we get it.



Showing the 20 most recent comments. Read all 49.
mad as fuck 30 Mar 2010 15:39
hell f**king yea u know they should do that s**t i cant even play it now cause of this s**t
sum1 30 Mar 2010 15:40
will they give us some Microsoft points back as an apology?
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BEG 2 DIE 30 Mar 2010 15:42
They should at least half.
still not online 30 Mar 2010 15:42
how much are the maps coz i not paid for anything
lobo jon 30 Mar 2010 15:42
please please please please please fix the problem as a mapthetic I am having ultra withdrawal symptoms
sum1 30 Mar 2010 15:45
the maps are 1200 microsoft points
still not online 30 Mar 2010 15:47
whats that in hard cash, i thought they were free
sum1 30 Mar 2010 15:54
they shd be after this balls up
still not online 30 Mar 2010 16:04
wats 1200 points in poundage for a gold member. And not the sexual member for those with a warped mind like me
sum1 30 Mar 2010 16:07
lol, i think its about £10
joe 30 Mar 2010 16:12
it's £15............. WTF! We should all start a merc group and go play some real life COD with infinity ward!
joe 30 Mar 2010 16:15
actually depends how you buy them in store/online/xbl etc. all prices change... they knew this would happen seriously who doesn't check to see if something works before selling it could u imagine this problem with aeroplanes... ahem! like I didnt know it had a leaky fuel pipe... it isn't our faults NO REFUND!
joe 30 Mar 2010 16:20
i am checking the maps in multiplayer offline... they are sweeeeet! it seems it was the "fixing servers patch" that junked this one up
henry 30 Mar 2010 16:32
The xbox 360 itself has enough glitches let alone the games that come with it. i think they should make playing online and downloading things free like ps3
still not online 30 Mar 2010 16:41
now im not happy. trying to get some points online as my account now up and running and guess what the server is full and wont let me in to buy any. Microsoft we love you
unhappy camper 30 Mar 2010 17:00
I've got the title update and it still doesn't work. it keeps telling me that communications with xbox live have been interupted
F*CK XBOX 30 Mar 2010 17:16
whens this s**t going to be back up and running
ALMOST ONLINE 30 Mar 2010 17:22
Apparently one of my online pals says you can play the maps in private match mode and thats it at min. For me ill carry on refreshing my pc online account waiting to get in to get some pointS purchased. Wish i still had my SINCLAIR ZX81

Problen solved 30 Mar 2010 18:03
david 30 Mar 2010 18:38
great idea for new maps i just have 2 questions i have heard rumors of another map pack coming out and is that true ? and what is eta for it working in ireland
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