Xbox Live Terms Enter 20th Century for Gays, Lesbians, Straights

It's okay, you can be openly mocked now.

Posted by Staff
Stonewall, the start of it all?
Stonewall, the start of it all?
Microsoft has entered the 20th Century (yes, 20th) today with notice that its changed the Acceptable Use Policy on Xbox Live so that people can mention their sexual orientation.

Here's the skinny from the official site:

"What you can do:

You may use the following terms to express your relationship orientation in your profile or Gamertag:

Yes, now you can indeed declare exactly how you prefer have sex - and a 20 million people can either go, "But can you game" or they can scream abuse at you but some of it can actually be fact.

In all seriousness though, well done to Microsoft for getting with the program.


ergo 5 Mar 2010 21:40
Or we could just note that sexual orientation should be a non-factor when playing games...but, then, that isn't very PC, is it?
Andy P 5 Mar 2010 22:43
I think the point is that some modicum of control is still required (not to be PC but because although it *should* be a non-factor, for some reason, to some it is) but they are now allowing you to express your own preferences if you wish. For example, by the wording above, the username "I.Am.Straight" would be fine, whereas "I.Hate.Gays" would not - and rightly so IMO.
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PreciousRoi 6 Mar 2010 05:50
This is a dumb idea, obviously a sop thrown to the GLBT's in response to the overblown flap over Gamertags...what's next...the ability to specify your race or ethnic identity? religious preference? political affiliation? dietary preferences? shoe size? What exactly was wrong with not having any of this information? Just what makes sexual orientation so vital in its expression on LIVE? Aside from some people crying long and loudly enough that is?

The original deal with the Gamertags was a genuine attempt to eliminate hate speech, with the best of intentions, I give MS FULL credit for the attempt. This...this is just silly. Congratulations MS for proving that whoever whines the loudest wins.

Someone out there will probably end up accidentally outing himself in some fundamentalist country...hilarity will not ensue.

And what about Hermaphrodites? Just gonna lump them in with the Transgendered? And what about Post vs. Pre Op? Can we use our Xbox Live Vision Camera to document the procedure? WHY NOT?
deleted 6 Mar 2010 10:00
They have missed the Cross Dresser and Transsexual, still im going to change my gamer-tag to Gender.Identity.Disorder
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