Tales of Graces Recalled In Japan

Replacement scheme to be detailed in the near future.

Posted by Staff
Tales of Graces Recalled In Japan
Namco Bandai has issued a recall of Tales of Graces for the Wii in Japan for being too buggy. The company issued a statement on its website that listed ten defects that have been discovered since the game's release in December.

Japanese gamers who have purchased the game can participate in an exchange program to get a replacement disc. It fixes the bugs, which range from an inability to obtain items, walking on the spot, freezing and musical glitches among other things.

The company stated that the replacement scheme won't be handled by retailers, instead relying on deliverymen to knock on doors and swap a bugged copy with a fixed one. Namco Bandai has stressed that it will work on its quality control in the future.


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