Mass Effect 2 Leaked On Torrent Sites

Pirates wary of potential console-bricking a week before official release.

Posted by Staff
Mass Effect 2 Leaked On Torrent Sites
Waiting for Mass Effect 2 to hit store shelves? If you're the underhanded, scheming kind, you could avoid this silly matter of 'paying' and 'waiting' and download it from various torrent sites, as it appears the sequel to the Xbox 360 exclusive has been leaked.

The news can't be good for Microsoft or Bioware, who were days away from launching the game good and proper. It also throws the financial success of the game up into the air, depending on how many users pirate the game. And from the looks of the anticipation online, we'd say it might have quite the negative impact.

Websites are reporting that the download size is 13GB, but this leak has resulted in some paranoia. This derives from reports such as that from Bitbag that last year Forza Motorsport 3 was conveniently 'leaked' onto torrent sites but was later revealed to be a prank by Microsoft and Turn 10 to brick modded Xbox 360 consoles.

Of course, given that there's absolutely no proof of that having happened in reality, the best advice (after "don't pirate the damned thing") is to stow the paranoia.

We'll update if Bioware or Microsoft have any comment on the supposed torrent leak.


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Serpream 22 Jan 2010 17:44
LOL at 'ThisGuy'

Not too stereotypical are we? When i started reading i thought i was at a cinema with that whole "You wouldnt steal a car advert" Also Fat - no, child - no, lazy - def no, dump? def not, artistic integrity - lots of as i am also a artist/Games designer.

People who resort to aggresive wording to make a point, inturn are a point to be made.
Nax 22 Jan 2010 17:57
Preordered it and payed already but cant wait my box to come for 1 more week, downloadin it atm
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ThisGuy 22 Jan 2010 18:17

Your grammer is not helping your "I'm not lazy argument." What's your point exactly, anyway? Of course all gamers aren't fat and dumb and lazy. Just the ones that steal things illegally. You want to break away from stereotypes? Stop doing the things that create those stereotypes in the first place.
bignick 22 Jan 2010 19:35
How is it stealing if you are already buying it. In the the law, you have a legal right to create and have a full backup of anything you legally own an original of. How is the developer losing money if you download it and still buy it. I am a firm believer that game companies should receive our support by buying the we games we like and want. But at the same time, I can't justify the loss of income by buying a crap game I can't return. So yeah, many of us are forced to download in order to ensure we are not recklessly buying something we expect to like, but turn out to be crap. I can 100% affirm that I have bought every game that I have downloaded and liked enough to keep playing. If I didn't like them, they got deleted, because who is going to play a game they don't like? It's like a trial before purchase as demo's often make crap games look better than they are and in several games in my experience, several demos that made brilliant games look crap. Half of the games that I have bought over the last several years, I never would have bought, had I not downloaded them. Whether it be from not having enough info, didn't look as good as they were or simply never heard of them until the torrent. Quite frankly, game companies have made more money off me because of torrents than they would of had I not had torrents as an option. If game companies gave me 24hrs to download and play a full game for free with no obligation to buy as an alternative to torrenting, then I'd gladly give up torrenting. But as it's currently my only means of ensuring smart safe game purchases, then I have no intention of stopping. I have downloaded ME2. And I do have the collectors edition on pre-order. And I have no intention of cancelling that order. So... Bioware is still getting their money from me... Which means the end result is the same... I get my game... They get their money... So... How is that stealing?
STFU 22 Jan 2010 19:36
Who gives a crap. I want to know what "Forza 3 prank" got released my MS last year that bricked systems. Yeah okay sure. Get your facts straight. Pirate away, the devs still make money, and most buy. Jeez people, this is better than the wife's soap opera
Thisguyisanidiot 22 Jan 2010 20:17
I hope the guy named ThisGuy falls on his face today in.
ThisGuy 22 Jan 2010 20:50
If you're going to buy the game anyway then I couldn't give a crap if you play it first by stealing it, but how many people who steal games actually do that? The argument of "it doesn't matter if I steal it because other people will pay for it and the developers will still make money" is flawed and makes you a huge cockbite. There's nothing worse than a nobody who believes they have the right to have something for free just because they can.
learn to be men 22 Jan 2010 21:05
u guys r gay
ThisGuy's Boyfriend 22 Jan 2010 21:19
This just makes me smile, all the pirating thing :P
Kaiz 22 Jan 2010 22:01
Why would you pirate a game u know is gonna be great? (IE Mass Effect 2)...
Everyone knows its gonna b amazing. (see all the ratings... developer diaries... and such)
The whole trial excuse wont cut it. If you like a game and want to see more great games... BUY IT!
its the simple truth. The more people pirate the more games will suck...
I am even more excited for the 26th now!
Kaiz 22 Jan 2010 22:02
any way i head the pirated version cant load ur mass effect 1 profile.
DeTard 23 Jan 2010 01:27
You guys have a really strange definition of theft. Stealing something doesn't necessarily mean someone loses an object, it can be intellectual property (as all software falls under) or can result in direct monetary loss. Sure, some of you will buy it even after having downloaded it early, and you will justify that in your minds, but thousands won't even consider purchasing it. Remember, you are downloading it via torrents meaning you are also enabling those that will not buy the game to also get it from you.

Have I ever downloaded anything via torrents? Hell yes. Have I done it illegally? Yep. Will I at least admit to knowing what I've done? Yes again.

For all of you saying it's not illegal, not stealing, what have you, this is for you: It is illegal, stop lying to yourself and take some f**kin responsibility in what you're doing at least. Know that you are breaking the law and that if caught, you won't be talking your way out of it as if the judge was some dumbass on a forum.
Bunchoffags 23 Jan 2010 01:45
I can't believe there are people actually advocating theft here. Grow up, get out of your mom's basement and realize that you're not entitled to everything you pointless nothings.
Jedi 23 Jan 2010 21:43
I will be downloading the PC leak, (actually dling from RS now) but I have already pre-ordered the 360 version and paid in full.
kmo 23 Jan 2010 22:25

"I'm sure the law would beg to differ. It's stealing, plain and simple"

You are a moron, the law doesn't even call it stealing, its called copyright infringement.

Also screw you if I want to download a game I will and I will enjoy it, you will never stop or catch me. If you want me to spend money on every game I see then you better change the law so that I can return a game if it turns out to be s**t and I don't like it.

Same goes for movies and music. Your a moron if you think anyone is going to buy a game, rip it and return it when it is so much simpler to just download it.

On top of that you have the incredible price of blu rays, games and music. Itunes charges 99 cents per song and they don't have to give you any physical items.

Until the law changes to be more customer friendly I will stick with sharing my media.
youguysneedlives 24 Jan 2010 00:24
i think all the people moaning about piracy are just jealous a-holes who wish thye had enough brain cells to actually understand HOW to pirate stuff so they could be playing this sweet, sweet game right now :D
mmno 24 Jan 2010 04:28

Yeah, you're so smart to learn how to steal games from the internet. Holy s**t, you used Google? You're like the Da Vinci of pirating. Also, who are you to criticize someone for not having a life? You're stealing games because you have to do something between masturbating.
john 24 Jan 2010 17:08

Haha once again its not stealing, your a f**king moron for calling it stealing in the first place. It is sharing, nothing is being taken. The idea that the law can protect an idea through "copyright" is ludicrous.

As far as not having a life well I guess we "pirates" will just not have a life 6 days earlier than you faggots who are scared to pirate games.

What do you think its morally wrong? Sharing is not wrong. If you do it right the law will never catch you, they have more important things to spend their time and man power.
HUH?? 25 Jan 2010 16:29
Thisguy- "Of course all gamers aren't fat and dumb and lazy. Just the ones that steal things illegally. You want to break away from stereotypes? Stop doing the things that create those stereotypes in the first place."

How does stealing give someone the stereotype of being fat, dumb and lazy? I don't see how piracy affects peoples weight, intelligence and energy levels.
MichelGf 29 May 2010 03:31
great game
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