Sony On Gran Turismo Track 5 Editor "We Haven't Confirmed It"

Oh, yes it is... no it isn't

Posted by Staff
Sony On Gran Turismo Track 5 Editor "We Haven't Confirmed It"
A Sony rep told SPOnG this afternoon, "We haven't confirmed this and aren't offering any other comment at this time", in relation to a track editor for GT5. So, we note that while it's not been confirmed, neither has it been denied.

The initial story was that an unnamed Polyphony Digital person had told the E4G site, "Yes it will have a track editor. You will be able to rebuild a track from scratch or edit the tracks that are already put in Gran Turismo 5", which sounds about as certain as certain can be.

So, pantomime season starts early this year with GT5's track editor in "Oh yes it is! Oh, no it isn't!" mode.

Would a track editor make a difference to you? Or will you be buying or not buying the game any way?



mat 2 Nov 2009 17:44
will definately be buying, its the best driving sim bar none!
config 2 Nov 2009 17:59
I have to ask. Who the hell are E4G?
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DrkStr 2 Nov 2009 18:51
We have.t confirmed it because it'll be payed for dlc on launch day!
Joji 2 Nov 2009 19:16
Oh no, not another Sony leak tragedy. Quick! Someone deny these foul myths, see we can say its not true. The secrecy surrounding some games is quite ridiculous from japanese developers especially. What are the chances someone will steal that eureka idea, Sony?

GT5 will be cool, but Forza has still trumped it. GT stopped being fun a long time ago, for me anyay, unless you are a hardcore car porn nut. Forza 3 is totally bringing that fun back.
Firin 2 Nov 2009 20:23
Could this be another, "Here's a cool idea we should implement, but we haven't got the money so we'll leave it for the next version but leak it anyway".
IMO Polyphony Digital seem to have a habit of opening their mouths and not delivering. Does anyone else remember the damage that was coming as DLC to 5 Prologue? Or not long before it came out, the Top Gear track?
Sorry, once bitten twice shy. I've had every GT since the first but unless they come up with something interesting that's written on the box, I'm not buying.
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