LittleBigXbox Live's Kodu - Available Today

Game creation tool available for Xbox owners

Posted by Staff
Kodu, the Xbox 360 game creation tool for the technologically less proficient, has become available over Xbox Live today.

You can have it now for 400 Microsoft Points.

The official bumpf from Microsoft tells us: "Kodu is a new visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone. The visual programming environment allows rapid design iteration using only a game controller for input. Share your creations with friends over XBOX LIVE."

Sound a Little(Big) familiar? It did to us when it was called 'Boku'.

You can get 1080p, and multi-player for up to eight people out of Kodu. Alas, according to the community (which rated it, with it being a community game/piece of software) Kodu has 0 sex... but 1 for violence.


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