What a day for minor Microsoft Xbox 360 and Live news...
First up: a new 512Mb Jasper board for the 360 has been spotted in the wild (in Japan) and will be winging its way overseas soonish. This comes from a spot over at
Xbox-Scene, which details that the board uses a 4gbit Samsung NAND. The previous Arcade Jasper 2Gb. The change, apparently means that because "16MB is used by Microsoft for kernel/keyvault/dash etc... new one should give you ~496Mbytes of usable internal MU."
Next up, despite our report last week (soberly entitled tale, '
24 Hour Horror! Xbox Live Going Down) some people appeared shock that... Xbox Live was indeed down for maintenance. Back to life it came bringing with it a new Xbox site accessible to mobiles (
here). There are also tweaks to the friends list, which goes all NXE avatary.