Parental Guidance, Bah! Xbox 360's Cynical Pester Power Generator

Get your parents to buy you an Xbox 360 or cry your ass off!

Posted by Staff
The generated letter.
The generated letter.
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It has to be said that someone at Microsoft's Entertainment and Devices Division really does not care one way or the other about words such as "Cynicism", "Manipulation" and "Hard Sell".

We say this because we've just stumbled upon Microsoft's 'Holiday Gift Influencer', a sweet online letter creator for the young, bratty kid on your block. No age ratings or 'Parental Guidance' here. This is a simple, web-based form that enables the whining grub in your family to produce a letter to be handed over to a loved one. Guess what it influences those credit crunched kin to buy? Why of course, an Xbox 360!

Here are some of the choices and options available:

'With what would you thank someone who gave you a great gift?" - Options include: 'Love', 'Affection', 'Devotion'... all the way up to 'Passing Acknowledgement'.

'What emotional argument about Xbox 360 may persuade the gift-giver?' - Options include: 'We'll spend more time together', 'I'll love you even more', 'I'll never be out of your sight'.

Once completed, the form produces a PDF letter for you to download, print and hand out to your already financially embarrassed and stressed out family member - click on the picture to the right to see what we mean.

Okay, so we're sure this is all tongue-in-cheek and not to be taken at all seriously (insert other corporate defences here). Hell, we've got a sense of humour... so how about this? Produce a form that tells 'Mom and Pop' not to worry about getting Bratley McBrat a new game console until maybe February when they've paid off the Holiday debts? That would be fun too.

See it here.


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