SPOnG's Top 20 Reader Voted Games: July 29th

The old, the bad and the fugly

Posted by Staff
SPOnG's Top 20 Reader Voted Games: July 29th
The following Top 20 relates to SPOnG game pages visited by readers in the last 24 hours only. That's all you have to do (well, you and your pals - because once you've visited, you've voted). Some say that running a chart based on games that our readers have gone to look at - but that might not even be released yet - is 'completely irrelevant'. We disagree vehemently, whether a game has been released, will be released, is planned for release but won't ever happen is not the point.

The point is that this chart reflects the current state of interest. This is why we can look in this most up-to-date Reader Top 10 and discover the released, LEGO Batman: The Videogame alongside the not released, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Gears of War 2, and the very, very released ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002 on the Xbox (yes, you didn't see '360' there).

We have also been informed that a Top 20 is "too bloody big", so we're going to cut it back to a Top 10 as of tomorrow.

SPOnG's Reader Voted Game Top 10
01) - Mystery Mansion - DS
02) - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - PS2
03) - Lock's Quest - DS
04) - Baroque - Wii
05) - Gears of War 2 - Xbox 360
06) - Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 - Xbox 360
07) - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - PS3
08) - Guinness World Records: The Videogame - Wii
09) - LEGO Batman: The Videogame - PS2
10) - UFC 2009 Undisputed - PS3
11) - ESPN Winter X-Games Snowboarding 2002 - Xbox
12) - Killzone 2 - PS3
13) - Gears of War - Xbox 360
14) - SoulCalibur IV - PS3
15) - LEGO Batman: The Videogame - PC
16) - Project Origin - PC
17) - Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm - PS3
18) - Family Trainer - Wii
19) - Space Chimps - Xbox 360
20) - Boing! Docomodake DS - DS

Plaforms Mentioned in the Reader Top 20
Sony PlayStation 3 - 5
Microsoft Xbox 360 - 4
Nintendo DS - 3
Nintendo Wii - 3
PC - 2
Sony PlayStation 2 - 2
Microsoft Xbox - 1


schnide 29 Jul 2008 15:34
Are you seriously trying to tell me that Space Chimps got more of a look-in than Barbie Horse Adventures?

alexh2o 29 Jul 2008 15:48
Please please please tell me this isnt the chart of reader voted top 20 'of all time'!! Rather just the one they are most interested in right now.
more comments below our sponsor's message
TimSpong 29 Jul 2008 15:49
alexhooren wrote:
Please please please tell me this isnt the chart of reader voted top 20 'of all time'!! Rather just the one they are most interested in right now.

This is the chart for what readers have been accessing in the last 24 hours.

You can relax.


mrAnthony 29 Jul 2008 15:51
gaelic games didnt get in?

its a conspiracy.

TimSpong 29 Jul 2008 15:52
schnide wrote:
Are you seriously trying to tell me that Space Chimps got more of a look-in than Barbie Horse Adventures?

It's just not going to happen, man. Move on. Get over Barbie and her equine outings. Or, review the bloody thing and send it in.

No, don't. Or I'll have to run it out of loyalty to my beloved (although disturbed) readers.


TimSpong 29 Jul 2008 16:01
mrAnthony wrote:
gaelic games didnt get in?
its a conspiracy.

Corks! (pun intended) there's got to be a little more vote rigging effort put in before this Top 20 crumbles like an aged hanging chad in a Florida voting booth.

I, however, would vote for an International Rules Football game (Aussie Rules vs Gaelic Football) centred in Croke Park in 2007.




schnide 29 Jul 2008 19:27
Tim Smith wrote:
schnide wrote:
Are you seriously trying to tell me that Space Chimps got more of a look-in than Barbie Horse Adventures?

It's just not going to happen, man. Move on. Get over Barbie and her equine outings. Or, review the bloody thing and send it in.

No, don't. Or I'll have to run it out of loyalty to my beloved (although disturbed) readers.



Right, that's it. You're going to get a f**king shock in your inbox shortly. And you'll wish it was just a real horse's head I'd sent too.
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