Florida Court Chaos as Jack Thompson Walks Out

Still no decision on disbarment

Posted by Staff
Judge Dava Tunis
Judge Dava Tunis
Jack Thompson's parting shot to Judge Dava Tunis who was refereeing his disciplinary hearing in Florida yesterday were polite and to the point, "I wish you a very good day because I'm done here". He then walked out of the courtroom telling waiting media, "I can't object to the legitimacy of the proceedings and then participate in them".

The hearing comes following Tunis' recommendation that Thompson should be found guilty of 27 of 31 charges relating to "professional misconduct". For his part, the anti-violent video game and Christian crusader contends that Tunis does not even have the right to referee his case given that her initial loyalty oath was found to be a forgery.

He further objects to the judge because, as Law.com reports, "The (Tunis' initial) report lacked details about the violations and an explanation of how the judge reached her findings. Bar counsel (Sheila) Tuma was only somewhat more specific at Wednesday's hearing."

Before walking out of the court, the Florida lawyer - who could face 10 years disbarment, some five years more than is customary - was told by the judge, "What I do not want is for you to be making a speech at the beginning of what is essentially a disciplinary hearing where I'm supposed to hear aggravating and mitigating factors.

"If you have something in writing I would gladly accept it".

Indeed he did, it consists of some 4,000 words of sometimes confused, sometimes preaching testimony in which he compares himself to Christ, explains how the Florida 'system' is either packed with far left zealots or with corrupt officials who protect the George W Bush's brother Jeb from investigation.

The long and short of yesterday's hearing is that no firm ruling has yet to be made - we will have to wait until September 3rd for Tunis to file a detailed report and for this case to come to some kind of conclusion in the Florida Supreme Court.

Shacknews for Thompson's full testimony.


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