Xbox Coffee Maker in the Works?!

Cross all your bits

Posted by Staff
The official Lamborghini Coffee Maker. Can Microsoft top the design?
The official Lamborghini Coffee Maker. Can Microsoft top the design?
Whenever SPOnG turns on its Xbox 360, we're delighted by the High Def experience. We love the storage space. Xbox Live continuously delights us. But... we've always felt something was missing. Fortunately, a Microsoft rep has identified it for us and given us hope that the situation may soon be rectified - with an Xbox that makes coffee.

Responding to a routine question about whether a 360 with an internal HD-DVD drive is in the works to Seattle Post Intelligencer, a Microsoft representative said:

"As far as prototype HD-DVD 360s, we do all sorts of testing, and prototyping. I'm sure somewhere at Microsoft there's an Xbox that makes coffee or something.

"While I don't have any knowledge of the existence of an HD-DVD 360, it wouldn't surprise me. That said, we've stated quite vehemently that games would not be on HD-DVD, we won't split the market."

We're assuming the HD-DVD question was asked a while ago and the answer was saved for a rainy day, given the death of the format over a month ago...

Anyway, Xbox coffee maker. Bring it!

Source: Seattle Post Intelligencer


SuperSaiyan4 27 Mar 2008 13:39
What a waste of space Spong, surely there is something more newsworthy than this...
Hark 27 Mar 2008 13:58
I think it makes quite a nice change with all gaming news sites swarmed with the Byron news and all.

Plus u ended up reading the article anyway.

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deleted 27 Mar 2008 14:35
SS4 try a little lighter side of life eh!,

now as for this coffee making 360 well i could orgasm at the thought as

1) I love 360
2) I love coffee

combined it would deffo put sony out of business within 20 mins of launch, that is unless sony could fight back with a ceramic rainbow coloured PS3 that grills burgers in a lean mean fat reducing fashion

now if they could only the wii could make buttered toast!
SPInGSPOnG 27 Mar 2008 15:04
SPOnG wrote:
The official Lamborghini Coffee Maker. Can Microsoft top the design?

I bet even Microsoft could top that design. I know the Italians fancy themselves something rotten in the design stakes, but that's a pile of poo.

Lamborghini should stick to making cars and Microsoft should stick to buying other people's software and passing it off as their own. 27 Mar 2008 18:53
For some reason I foresee overheating issues occurring...
PreciousRoi 28 Mar 2008 01:06
'Course if it was a Sony coffee maker, later designs would omit the filter or something to save money.
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