Microsoft has Not Heard from Toshiba Regarding HD-DVD

For gods' sakes will someone put us all out of our misery!

Posted by Staff
Microsoft has Not Heard from Toshiba Regarding HD-DVD
Microsoft, via its Gamerscore blog, has apparently released its first words on what is rapidly becoming the hideously elongated death of HD-DVD. Inside the statement is what appears to be the fact that Toshiba has not yet let its partners into what and when its final decision is going to be with regard to the format.

"We do not believe the recent reports about HD DVD will have any material impact on the Xbox 360 platform or our position in the marketplace.

"As we’ve long stated, we believe it is games that sell consoles and Xbox 360 continues to have the largest next-gen games library with the most exclusives and best selling games in the industry.

"We will wait until we hear from Toshiba before announcing any specific plans around the Xbox 360 HD DVD player.

"HD DVD is one of the several ways we offer a high definition experience to consumers and we will continue to give consumers the choice to enjoy digital distribution of high definition movies and TV shows directly to their living room along with playback of the DVD movies they already own."

So, there it is... so far. Those looking for hints of a Blu-ray drive in the near future might like to dig around the "we will continue to give consumers the choice" phrase in the last paragraph. Until we hear from Microsoft, we're not holding our breath. Although the idea that it won't provide a Blu-ray option eventually is fanciful unless it moves totally behind online digital delivery of movies. It's going to be interesting to see what Microsoft Game Studios is making of all of this.

Source: Gamerscore


realvictory 18 Feb 2008 21:19
In other words, they don't care, because they're got their own download service.

I think they would have released an HD-DVD add on even if they knew it was going down the pan, just to spite Sony.

I can see them releasing a Blu-ray player later on, though, if Blu-ray starts to get properly popular, as opposed to it simply being the other HD disc format left after HD-DVD flopped.

Still, don't be fooled by the hype - HD-DVD provides as good ann experience, albeit region-free and cheaper.
SuperSaiyan4 19 Feb 2008 09:48
Am gonna miss the region free hd-dvd's IF its the end...Still amazed at Warner Bros to be honest its like wtf??
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SuperSaiyan4 19 Feb 2008 10:03
Well its the end, MCV have news saying Toshiba has confirmed it, I rang Toshiba and the person even said 'it looks that way' oh well.

Cant wait for cheap hd-dvd players and HOPEFULLY cheap HD-DVD's WOOT!
Bentley 19 Feb 2008 11:13
You are just kidding yourself, SuperSaiyan. Imagine someone, after Betamax tapes were announced to be the losing format, shouting "OH YES! THIS MEANS CHEAP BETAMAX PLAYERS AND CHEAP BETAMAX MOVIES, YAHOOOOO!" and try and picture what a total idiot they would have looked. That's you, that is.

Fair play for trying to be optimistic but I think you are just deluding yourself. What kind of stupid company would continue pumping out products for a defunct format? You will find these "cheap HD DVDs" will be out for a bit and then will disappear very, very quickly.

You lost. You fail. You knob.
HyperTails 19 Feb 2008 11:16
They'll be out for a few more weeks... all five of them. The guy backed a losing format and thinks that its still the best one. He's either a jackass or is just clutching at straws. Must be both, because he's a jackass either way.
SuperSaiyan4 19 Feb 2008 12:29
I am amazed at the amount of f**king C**TS on this site amazing...Why dont you little pieces of s**t go back to school?
Mr M 19 Feb 2008 13:34
Childishness aside...

Not all Blu Ray discs are region locked. I bought Blade Runner in the States (5 disc) version, works just fine. here's a list...
Daz 19 Feb 2008 18:30
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
I am amazed at the amount of f**king C**TS on this site amazing...Why dont you little pieces of s**t go back to school?

calm down, it's not our fault you have a shelf of frisbees
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