The 'The Holiday' season has not been kind to many lovers of the Xbox Live gaming experience, with problems being reported all over this planet that we like to call Earth.
Most recently, Dan Landis at Ripten, has reported that unlocked achievements could (and in his case, did) disappear. In Dan's case this referred to the 800k co-op
Guitar Hero III achievement - or rather the lack of one.
His opinion is that, "Basically, while attempting to “fix” Xbox Live, they’ve systematically been rolling back and recovering portions of their servers to weed out the bugs. Again, this is not the “official” word from Microsoft, but the guy on 1-800-4my-xbox said that’s what was going on. He seemed to know what I was talking about when I told him my issue, so that leads me to believe he’s not just making stuff up"
You can read the whole sorry tale over at
Have you had Xbox Live 'issues'? Tell us about them in the Forum below.