PS3 Video On Demand Next Month

Japan first in line

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PS3 Video On Demand Next Month
Our Japanese cousins are set to get first dibs on the PS3’s high-definition video service next month, according to recent reports in the Japanese press.

Sony Computer Entertainment plans to launch an on-demand high-definition video service in Japan, via which PS3 users will be able to download movies, TV shows and documentaries onto their PS3 hard drives.

The first bits of contend to be made available will be motor-racing videos and a BBC car documentary The GT-R Legend Inside Story I, the first of a three-part docu about Nissan's GT-R racing car - to promote the launch of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (pictured).

It had previously been confirmed that episodes of Top Gear will be made available through the Gran Turismo (GT) TV media service, though these are not scheduled to be made available until next year.

Sony plans to continue to add to its online video service lineup with content from Sony Pictures Entertainment and other companies.



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