PSN Update: SEGA Rally, Folklore And More

Finally, PS3 owners are getting some online love

Posted by Staff
Within all the Halo 3 hullabaloo this week, you may possibly have forgotten about the PlayStation and a company called Sony. Well, today that self-same company is giving gamers a few things to make them very happy in the way of online support – specifically demos of the awesome SEGA Rally and the Japanese RPG Folklore (pictured here - more on this later) along with new content for MotorStorm, Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Spider-man 3.

The MotorStorm Capitano & Varjack pack costs a mere £1.49, the Ninja Gaiden Sigma Speed Master update is a little bit more expensive (but only a tad) at £2.99, and the Spiderman 3 New Goblin pack is the cost of a Burger King Meal at £3.99. Yet is probably better for you in the long run.

Also check out new videos for Feel Ski, Infamous and PES 2008 and wallpapers based on Heavenly Sword and Warhawk.

Note to Sony – please make more updates like this please!


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