Wii Overtakes Xbox 360 Sales

According to the FT...

Posted by Staff
Wii Overtakes Xbox 360 Sales
The Financial Times reports that Nintendo's Wii has outsold Microsoft's Xbox 360 in global sales - this is despite the former having been on sale for less than a year, compared to the 360's first appearance being made in 2005. The businessmen's organ of choice tells us that:

"The report is based on sales figures from Enterbrain in Japan, NPD Group in the US and GfK of Germany, which tracks European sales. Sales figures from each console's launch date through the end of July (and the end of August in Japan) were added up, with the Wii just barely edging out the 360: 9 million for the Wii, 8.9 million for the 360, and 3.7 million for the PlayStation 3."

The Guardian, however, looks over at Nexgenwars and sees its figures as Wii 10.7m versus 360 at 11.4m with Sony's PlayStation 3 sitting at 4.5m. It compares this to VGChartz 11.45m Wiis, 10.89m 360s and PS3 at 4.57m.

Now, here's a question... with all these Wiis sold, does the console have fanboys or is it only played by happy, multi-cultural families? Answers to the Forum please.


hollywooda 14 Sep 2007 10:36
No doubt the Wii has done a great job of breaking through & bring gaming to households & people who normally wouldn't bother, So well done to them. whether the Wii will still be selling as strong in a years time once the hype has died down, we'll have to see.
deleted 14 Sep 2007 11:13
Well this was to be expected, but as hollywooda ponts out will it be the same story this time next year?, if the single player AAA titles live up to the hype then im sure they can dominate, but we need some good games,
Tyler 17 Sep 2007 22:43
I think Wii has done and great job with its first 10 months and I see it continuing to sell as strong after all its big title released this holiday season. then seeing how more developers are starting to concentrate on the FPS genre for the Wii to make the best controls for it. Metroid Prime 3 has done it, Medal of Honor Heroes 2 has done it, and Im pretty sure UbiSofts Red Steel 2 will do it as well. I think as long as the developers and bring out creative and innovative titles for Wii and and put full use to the Wiimote and Nunchuck attackment, you can bet the Wii will win this next gen. console war.
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